A social entrepreneur's path can be lonesome without the support of trusted mentors, coaches and advisors to help them overcome the challenges ahead.
Meet the Changemakers from our SETH Cohort and find out how you can play a vital role in their journey.
Session Objectives
1. learn about their work and impact communities
2. understand their needs
3. find your role to support these Changemakers
Program 5PM
- Welcome
- brief introduction of SE's work and impact communities.
- brief summary of mentor and coach's role in SETH
5.15PM - 6.20PM
Breakout rooms (20 min rounds of rotation, able to move freely) *Entrepreneurs will be sharing their challenges and needs
Room 1. Meet Aida from Ibupreneur
Room 2. Meet Craig from Straw Innovations
Room 3. Meet Room 4. Meet
Room 5. Chat with Kim Pong (Mentor and Coach roles in SETH)
Follow-up for mentors / coaches (get in touch with us)
* TBN Asia's Expertise Network is a support community for social enterprises made up of industry mentors, specialists, advisors, and life coaches who give their time, talent and treasure to help alleviate poverty in Southeast Asia.
For more info on SETH, visit https://www.tbn.asia/seth-overview